Register to World Architecture Community

On World Architecture Community, each account is personal and must relate to a person. Companies should first create an account based on an individual, then create their company or office page. Enter your personal details below to create your account on World Architecture Community (please only use roman or latin alphabet characters in the fields below). All fields are mandatory.

Students and Educators: In order to become an Academic member to World Architecture Community, you will need to provide an e-mail address which includes .EDU or .AC, provided to you by your university or school. This e-mail address will go through validation: this means, you'll need to have easy access to it, receive / send e-mails to / from it. A validation e-mail will be sent to this address in which you will simply click a link to get your new e-mail address validated.

A username is required for creating your account with World Architecture Community, it will serve to sign-in to the portal - you may also use your e-mail address to sign-in to our portal.

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