The project has been conceived and developed jointly by the RTA-Office’s teams in Barcelona and Shanghai, cities where the studio has offices. This centre for the scientific promotion is presented as a driving force of renovation and development for the new public, cultural and college area in Belgrade, best known as Block 39.


Type: Cultural - Museum - Exhibition Center - Educational and Business Centre - Gallery – Science Club – Planetarium - Restaurant.
Annual number of visitors: 100.000 – 300.000. 500.000 in 5 year’s time.
Daily number of visitors: expectation: 200 visitors during a workday in September, 2000 during a weekend in May.
Location: Blok 39, Belgrade, 11070, Serbia and Montenegro.
Year: 2010
Site type: Urban
Site Area: 11,66 ha
Building Area: 20.915 m2
Total gross Building Area: 13.998 m2
Garage and Parking Area: 3.000 m2
Outdoor Area: 2.650 m2
Construction Materials: in situ structures of reinforced concrete (high strength and long life. Reduce CO2 emissions by 60% during its production).
Buildings skin (90%) is Black Steel Recycling ANR (it contains 80% recycled raw material, has zero carbon, thus reducing CO2 emissions).
Over 30% of the rest of the building materials are recycled source, reducing the environmental impacts of industry, mining and processing of raw materials.

Santiago Parramon


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