We designed Two Bed Room Bamboo House at Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute,Bangalore.



Gross area: 930 sqm
Building Features :
Material Components selection strategy:Bamboo is the main building to avoid use of primary timber and material, silver oak is used for explore usage of Bamboo door/window frames and lintel, which is a plantation timber.
Use of recycled materials : Broken ceramic tiles have been used in sit outs utility areas and for decorating patterns.
Building Energy Features:
Window/floor area percentage: 22-25% in each room
Natural Ventilation:: Windows placed strategically to ensure cross – ventilation. : Bamboo split grills have been fixed above 7’ to ensure good circulation.
Day lighting: 100%from windows, Diffused lighting from sky light and glazings above 7’.

Neelam Manjunath & Gurudayal Saran


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