Time and space museum» is situated in the place where original city Tzarizyn ( now Volgograd) was founded. It is spread along the Volga River; its development personifies an infinite current of time.
The modern museum is such an organism which, filtering and accumulating the past, answers inquiries of the present and, catching signals from the future, always advances time a little bit forward.
It is reached by new functions, innovative approaches to exhibiting processes, and architectural-design decisions. This centre becomes a city icon. On the one hand, it will designate new quality of life in the city with the big potential for the development.
«Time and space museum» consists of 4 different “ropes”. Each “rope” is an exhibition space for exhibits from 4 “continents”
There are several continental models, which are known all over the world (7, 6, 5, 4-continents)
In «Time and space museum» the following model concept is used (not only geographical principals were considered):
1. North and South America + Australia
2. Europe
Russia goes to Europe as well as to Asia
Ropes are put on the grid of time in which they had been developed. The exposition begins with primitive art and ends nowadays. As time is infinite, museum has an idea of eternal development, and, theoretically, will develop while the time exists.
In the museum exhibits are displayed in a new way:
all together, considering the time of their appearance and development. A person, getting in exhibition space, is dipped into an epoch of any “continent” and can track its change, development or decline in time.
Time and space museum by Anastasia Sheveleva in Russia won the WA Award Cycle 9. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.
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