This project forms part of the practice`s ongoing work for the Perth Zoo. Designed to establish connections between Orang-utan behaviour, living patterns and qualities of their natural environment, this new enclosure consists of a series of `trees` that simulate the physical complexities of a rainforest. This is achieved through a careful assemblage of recycled concrete pylons and robust steel `branches` and climbing frames. Each tree holds double decker nests with timber and steel shading structures providing points of rest. This along with a collection of activities; puzzle boxes, dip tubes, water canons, drinkers, the bent steel armatures and ropes are able to be tuned to create changing, simulating event space.



The New Orang-utan Enclosure at Perth Zoological Gardens by iredale pedersen hook architects in Australia won the WA Award Cycle 2. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.

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Finn Pedersen

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