Project located in the north of Cyprus in the old city of kyrenia. The idea of a cultural centre in the city centre was developed since it has been noticed that, many of the cultural habits and pattern were disappearing little by little. As a solution to this problem, a part of the urban structure was selected to design the project.

The aim for the project is to revive cultural activities and to improve the look of the urban pattern while creating new and significant landmarks to upgrade the visual appearance and landscape in the city centre.

The EYE catching element of the design lies in the coating roof. The concept of coating roof was to envolope and protects the building from extreme heat that prevails during summer season. Temperature rises up to 48 degree Celsius. The space between the roof and the coating roof creates a micro-climate enabling air flow and cooling effect. Also, in the absence of wind, the air packed between serves as insulator.
The coating roof is made of Teflon coated fiberglass and supported by steel structure which rest appropriately on the building structure system.
The Teflon coated fiberglass is translucent, thus allowing light dispersion over part of the façade yet providing efficient shading


Avinash Booluck