Designing the expansion of the Stockholm`s Stadsbibliotek is not only a matter of architectural composition, but mostly an analysis of the pre-existence location, historically and formally, in order to establish links between the buildings.

Since the beginning the main problem has been to put into relation a monumental building such as the Stadsbibliotek with a contemporary building such as the expansion. The main issue to face during the drawings of the expansion, which was supposed to double the space of the Stadsbibliotek, has been to find a sort of dialogue with the Asplund`s library, trying to propose coherent solutions, without being subdued with the monument but neither drawing shapes too much unrelated with the context.

The project assumes the form of a new object inside a urban area that is very homogeneous and with a strong historical background, built all in the same historical period and for this reason bounded by the same formal language of the Swedish Neoclassicism. These building are then consolidated in Stockholm`s urbanism and they have very much importance for the municipality and for the citizens; this importance is reflected by the competition`s text: international, made of proposals, open to all, it underlines the interests of the municipality to consider as many solution as possible, not necessary from well known architects.

The first step to the drawing up is the result of a very deep analysis of the Gunnar Asplund`s Architecture, in order to approach the existing building with as much sensibility as possible and with the right respect for such an important building for the history of Swedish architecture, a cultural heritage bringer of values deeply settled in the municipal community of Stockholm.




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