Integration of Planning, Architecture and Landscape
The new Integrated Knowledge Park, DPI Campus in Chennai is
bold and transparent in its planning and design; singular in its whole
and varied and its part, seemingly uniform but constantly changing
according to its orientation. Amidst the bustling Chennai landscape,
the singular building and its bold, sustainable sun-shading screen
is a manifestation of the master plan and our conceptual thinking,
establishing a new strong campus “brand” and unique coherent the workplace and learning environment.
This identity is important because of the diverse, almost chaotic
urban fabric surrounding the site. The campus master plan is a new
model for the integration of sustainable planning, architecture and
landscape. The elliptical building surrounding the courtyard creates
a strong uniform architectural image that ties together the various,plan, adjustable according to the distribution of the program during buildings, programs, spaces, entries and gardens that surround the primary structure.



Building Heritage
As the “Gateway to the South,” Chennai’s culture is distinctly different
from that of any other city in India. Heritage buildings in Chennai
are viewed as important cultural resources and are opportunities for
self-sustaining projects. We have preserved and framed the heritage
buildings in recognition of their important status. In Chennai, there
are many areas ripe for such reuse. Living heritage buildings stand more appreciated when a dialogue is established between the new
and the old.

Prof. Charanjit S Shah
Ar. Gurpreet Shah
