The aim of this thesis is to study the effects of protests and its positive impacts on the city. People gather and come for a positive change but its effects on the city are vice versa. The purpose of this study is to develop an understating over the factors that lead to such transformation of collective action that can overcome over the city problems.
The approach of design was to create a space where people from the city come and protest for their rights. The aim is to create more visibility among the participants which could develop interaction as well as their energies could be channelized and electricity could be initiated. Protesters from every sector can linked themselves to the space with space holding its neutrality within the urban spot.



1) Book in our society symbolize education and the society is starving out for education plus holding its neutrality.
2) Noise using via technology is transformed into expression. Sound travel in air and the intensity travels this noise can be detected by the sensors and produce an output.
3) Colour holds neutrality among every sector. Hence sound detecting sensors forming negotiation/collision among colours.
4) A device was formed taken in consideration that volume ranges can glow different colour at different periods. This was a successful experiment and volume ranges can be detected by sensors and fusion of colours can be made.
5) Element - Tire coated with Cross Linked

Mohsin Raza

Interactive Protest Installation by Mohsin Raza in Pakistan won the WA Award Cycle 16. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.

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