FRACTAL SET: It is a set in which the parties are similar to the total in some sense. The idea is to design a public library with this concep, because a library is an organized set of information in many scales and types, whereby is reciprocal. The idea involves formal and functional opinion, formally is a defragmentation in many scales from a pattern and functionally is to create places based in the union and subtraction of modules.

It is the idea that complements the project, because looking to interlace green areas and building instead of the traditional typology building + green areas, this concep is that the building extending to green areas (outdoor reading spaces) and green areas inside building (internal vegetation), allowing interaction both.



Construction Area: GROUND FLOOR__ 2 305.02 m2
Construction Area: 1ft FLOOR_______ 1 711.26 m2
Construction Area: TOTAL__________ 4 016.28 m2

Length: 110.70 m
Width: 20.70 m
Height: 12.80 m

Leonardo Mauricio Pacheco Arias


Leo Pacheco