What if there was a new type of monumentality in Los Angeles?
These new monumental forms attach themselves to the existing infrastructure, in order to transform the perception of the both: the highway and the city. The forms disrupt Los Angeles infrastructure by settling into their residue, they consist of apertures that allow for the passing of ramps and elevated freeways.
Moreover, what if the new monumental forms were used to create an urban threshold? Similar to the manner in which the Arc de Triomphe recontextualizes a series of Parisian boulevards, the new monument for LA would recontextualize the iconic freeway system. The self-similar forms of the primitives could combine to form a large bridging monument.
The interior is a nesting of baths, meditation chambers and shrines, within a maze. It takes that which already exists in LA-- the detox culture, and amplifies it, by placing it where it doesn’t belong. It provides a relief from the highway
The monument mediates the landscape and the infrastructure: not just interacting with the highway but also the hilly topography of the west. Inserting the monument as an urban threshold means not only recontextualizing LA highways but also signifying a moment in the city and in time.



Nazifa Virani
