Our interior design for 7th station of TURO( Tabriz Urban Railway Organization) started by announcing the rules and documents. This competitions target was to find best answer for gate and platform of this citys newborn metro. As well as you can find here, there are several symbols about Iranian-Islamic architecture which has combination with modern architecture of transportation investments.
Main idea of this design refer to fritillaries as a flower with head over in environment. main structure and possible mobile traditional architecture in Tabriz city is Tabriz old Bazaar which consist modernization from first decade of urbanism in this city. Malek timcheh(a space for main shops with worthy goods) with arcs classification to 20 parts from a rectangular to a circle was main structure concept to hold this idea clear.
On the Other hand Kabood Mosque arcs with 2 surface inside its structure was the best concept to design different kinds of Indirect lighting.
at the last take care about technology standards and emergency standards was the main rout to obey from Team members.
Area of this station : 2300 Square meters
Type: new born metro transportation.
Electrical Engineer: Ms. Sheler Gharmiani
Knuaf and built corporation: Kamrani and Brothers group
Masoud Biabani, Amin Shahamipour, Sheler Gharmiani