Invites us to have our senses stimulated by an ingenious layout of pathways, patios and connecting gardens. The property offers a refuge from urban intensity, an organic and contemplative space of calmness. The six rock simulations emerge to give a sense of simplicity and integration using a fifth façade to form a single consolidated structure.
The space is lined with natural rocks and vegetation and the composition of gardens and patios creates a harmonious sequence, allowing a variety of setting for the user.
This concept of sensory harmony is applied throughout the house in the composition of spaces, finishes and the design of specific details combining elements that allow people to experience internal and external sensations.
There is natural floor to ceiling lighting, and also controllable artificial lighting, resulting in an intriguing diverse environment.
The style and spacial interaction of all components: architectural materials, natural forms and technology forms a conducive habitat for quality living for the customer.


Eduardo Micha Fabio Correa Gabriel Merino Oscar Osorio Patricia Pérez Christian Rodriguez Miguel Angel Chiney Nèstor Moreno Eduardo Acosta

JLS 31 by Arqmov Workshop in Mexico won the WA Award Cycle 21. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.

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