The House of Boho: A Bohemian Oasis: Where Minimalism Meets Eclectic Splendor
In the heart of a bustling city, a hidden gem takes shape—a visionary project that sought to create an oasis of bohemian allure amidst the urban chaos. With a client brief that demanded a marriage of classic elegance and minimalistic charm, the design team at Chromed Design Studio, under their talented Founder and Principal Architect, Abhigyan Neogi, embarked on a journey to transform a space into a captivating destination.
The concept was clear: to craft an environment where simplicity danced with stylish flamboyance. The notion was to celebrate the bohemian spirit, a fusion of artistry and freedom. The space is thoughtfully divided into three distinct areas—an indoor sanctuary and two outdoor spheres. While one outdoor space opens up to the sky, while the other, a magnificent glasshouse, boasts a triangular retractable roof, allowing the sunlight to infuse the atmosphere with ethereal radiance. As the team delved deeper into the design, the vision of a bohemian cave, an urban cityscape in its own right, began to take shape. The partition between the interior and exterior spaces could be opened or closed, seamlessly fusing the two realms. This created a sense of magic and wonder as the space seemed to transform before one's eyes.
In the indoor space, a minimalist aesthetic reigns supreme throughout the design. The language curated is a delicate balance of rattan and macrame intertwined to create a tapestry of texture and grace. Rattan lights and lamps, gently swaying like whimsical dancers, cast a soft, enchanting glow while custom-made wooden furniture exudes warmth and authenticity that beckon guests to rest and revel. The furnishings, adorned in cotton, jute, and linen, showcase bohemian prints that speak of a rich cultural heritage.
As one steps outdoors, they get transported to a world where nature and the underlying theme of the restaurant intertwine. Lush greenery envelops the surroundings, bringing life and vibrancy to the space. Amongst this verdant sanctuary, the House of Boho logo emerges, cleverly embedded within the foliage—a subtle branding touch that invites visitors to capture moments of enchantment for the digital arena. Within the greenery, strategically placed and carefully crafted niches emerge, displaying hand-painted artworks adorned with plants. These artistic alcoves form the heart of the "People of Boho" concept, where faces, full of character, are immortalised upon the bar, honouring the individuals who made the venue come alive. A centrepiece of grandeur stands tall, inching towards the heavens—an awe-inspiring 12 feet tall sculpture. Its form, a testament to the bohemian spirit, commands attention and curiosity. Crafted from a medley of materials, its contours and lines play with light and shadow, captivating the gaze of all who beheld it.
As the night descends, an enchanting glow permeates the atmosphere, courtesy of the stars above and the warm illumination of tastefully-placed candles and fairy lights. The scents of nature mingle with the air, while the soothing sound of water emanates from a mesmerising fountain—a gentle reminder of the bohemian ethos and its connection to the elements. The pièce de résistance—a breathtaking artwork— graces a wall, showcasing the face of a woman
constructed entirely from a kaleidoscope of butterflies. Each delicate wing tells a story of metamorphosis and freedom, a visual representation of the lively and natural bohemian spirit itself. It serves as a focal point, drawing guests into its mesmerising embrace and inviting them to contemplate the transformative power of art and self-expression.
And so, the dream came alive—a bohemian oasis, a symphony of simplicity and flamboyance. In this magical space, where minimalism met eclectic splendour, visitors are transported to a domain where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. A haven for those seeking respite from the chaos, a cityscape within a city, where the spirit of bohemia whispered its timeless melodies.



Name of the project: House Of Boho
Location: New Delhi
Completion Date : May 2023

Name of the firm: Chromed Design Studio
Design Team: Abhigyan Neogi


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