Los Jardines del Claustro Santa Fe surgen de la necesidad dentro de la pandemia de espacios para eventos al aire libre, se encuentran dentro de uno de los recintos para eventos más importantes de la ciudad de León, Guanajuato que a su vez desde hace casi 15 años utiliza el patio central de la hacienda como espacio principal.

The Gardens of the Santa Fe Cloister arise from the need within the pandemic for spaces for outdoor events, they are located within one of the most important venues for events in the city of León, Guanajuato, which in turn has been for almost 15 years. uses the central patio of the hacienda as the main space.

The architectural-landscape item arises from a program to achieve two outdoor spaces: the "Mystic Garden" and the "Holistic Garden" to hold events with a maximum of 150 guests, and the Huerto de Carlota that was prepared for events of up to 1,300 guests, the gardens are articulated with a solemn/ecumenical circular space framed with large stones that functions as a distribution node that is also used for marriage ceremonies.

To get to Huerto de Carlota it is necessary to cross the sculpture with 3 pointed arches that force the guest to give way as a way of respect to his companion before reaching the large flower garden that frames the access to the venue with the largest capacity.

The services are presented as a simple volume of stone from the site in which, like a portico, the entrances are vestibulated with pointed arches from which a vine hangs, giving the sensation that they have been there for hundreds of years.



Project name: Santa Fe Cloister Gardens
Category: Landscape architecture and public spaces
Location: Leon Guanajuato, Mexico
Start: February 2021
Conclusion: October 2022
Area: 6,823.41 m2
Photography: Allen Vallejo

Project design: 501 Durán Arquitectos
Arch. Luis Miguel Durán López
Collaborators: Diego Orozco
Fernando Gueich
Silvia Méndez


Allen Vallejo