The Idea is to observe the underlying physiology of farming and provide optimum conditions for sustained farming practices. Farming, in general, involves the combination Light, Water, The Wind and the Soil. The Farmers harnesses this energy to produce the Food. The Irregular climatic patterns and increase in disturbances to the ecosystem have made Agriculture to face serious issues of Drought, Flood. The imbalance of Natural energy is the main cause of such rate of failure of crops.

The Hypothesis is “Shade” can be the balance. Agriculture has more become commercial and thus more artificial not the way nature works. Nature balances itself with the play of Light, Shade and wind and water. It’s the shade of the tall trees which protects the plants from harsh summers. It’s the root of these trees to hold water but potentially farmlands cannot have trees!. They are mono-centric in nature.



Tent-To-Farm is an approach of creating shade and at the same time channeling excess rain water to create balance and thus mimic the character of a functioning ecosystem. Deployable Tents create temporary or more permanent solutions to trap water and shade crops during high summer. Thus creating natural osmosis of energy transfer.

Vignesh Harikrishnan


Vignesh Harikrisnan