A dystopia is the idea of a society, generally of a speculative future, characterized by negative, antiutopian elements, varying from environmental to political and social issues. Dystopian societies, usually hypothesized by writers of fiction, have culminated in a broad series of sub-genres and are often used to raise issues regarding society, environment, politics, religion, psychology, spirituality, or technology that may become present in the future. “A futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive society control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control. Dystopias, through an exaggerated worst-case scenario, make a criticism about a current trend, society norm, or political system.

In dystopian situation we can discuss issues concerning society, environment, politics, religion, psychology, spirituality, or technology. I’m focusing on environmental issue. It’s one of the most critical issue for future society.
Site selection criteria on bases of dystopian issue. In world ranking Peshawar 7th ranking and in Pakistan 2nd number on ranking facing environmental issue. Site is located in gullbahar Peshawar which is one of the most polluted area in Peshawar. Dystopia is not giving solution for society it creates awareness through critical and harsh environment.
In Dystopian world focusing on minority communities are facing issues. In my site Christin community are living like dystopia due to dumping of solid waste.
My design usually focus on Christin community and their needs, religious plus education and also recycling waste plant. Aim of the research is to aware people related environment.



The main criteria of the site selection for proofing of dystopian city is depend upon these factors. Environmental, social and political, economic issues.
A dystopia is the idea of a society, generally of a speculative future, characterized by negative, antiutopian elements, varying from environmental to political and social issues. Dystopian societies, usually hypothesized by writers of fiction, have culminated in a broad series of sub-genres and are often used to raise issues regarding society, environment, politics, religion, psychology, spirituality, or technology that may become present in the future. “A futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control. Dystopias, through an exaggerated worst-case scenario, make a criticism about a current trend, societal norm, or political system.

Research encouraged to select sites that already actively reflect issues of Dystopia; resolve the habitational problems of these sites in a narrative way, building upon the stories the sites already have to tell. These are the lessons for future generations. Rather than removing all traces of fledgling Dystopias, invite such traces to actively participate in the story of the future.

This research places emphasis on analyzing contextual relationships and identifying critical configurations – strategically building upon temporal patterns of change that are implied by all of the contextual relationships in our built environment. The resulting design interventions critically respond to these patterns in a way that raises fundamental issues about society and the environment and questions how our present impacts on our future.
• Identify valuable environmental resources in the community and surrounding area that may be affected by a proposed development.
• Evaluate the community’s capacity for additional development given environmental protection priorities.
• Determine which community may be directly or indirectly affected by the project or action.

The project of dystopian city that I have selected is requirement of Peshawar region, because the inhabitants of the region (Peshawar) effect from last 15 t0 20 year and depicts not only socio-economic stratification but also the scientific manipulation of nature due to.
1. Social issue
2. Political issue
3. Economical issue
4. Environmental issue
Peshawar is most dengue’s place of social and economic matter in Pakistan 2nd ranking and 1st number is city of Karachi. (By Desk Published: May 21, 2015 the Express Tribune)
Peshawar is most polluted city in world ranking number 6th and Karachi is number 5th. (By Web Desk Published: July 25, 2015)

User analysis is the process of identifying the potential users of a system and their attributes. User analysis is an important aspect for any project. We analyze the users to define the scope of a project. We study users with respect to dystopian city issues etc., then provide the facilities in that particular building to fulfill the needs of that target population to provide give new way of thinking about the significance of decay and the future growth of our built environmental issue etc.
All types of users and facilities/services provide to them. The impact of built environmental issue on user’s that our perception of the place identity and the heritage significance of these sites, This research stream demands users, as representatives of the next generation, take a strong personal position on what it means to represent this generation, and contributing to our understanding of the places in which we dwell and vision of awareness for future generation for their society and community.

In dystopian city recognize the potential of lost site to encourage proactive public engagement with critical environmental issue. Peshawar has lost its historical significant due dystopian situation. The aim of this project and dystopian concept is to provide that type of facilities in which we should be familiar with dystopian issue and activities. My objective is to engage the people through public activities. In dystoian world you have three type users you must have to be engage these three users in each other.
1. Government sectors
2. Christin community
3. Minority community
My site is located on gulbahar solid waste dumping Peshawar here are three users are Present. Peshawar.it can facilitate us against energy crisis in government sector as recycling Plant. Peshawar Public we can engage through education activities and building function should be environmental. For Minority Christin community we can facilitate their needs such as church or school but school and church effect their worship integrity and psychological effect on christin community due waste dumping site and waste pollution. BUILDING TYPE
1. Waste recycling plant for governmnetal sector
2. Commercial activities for christin community
3. Environmental museum for Peshawar Public
The main criteria of the site selection for proofing Peshawar as a dystopian city is depend upon Environmental issues. In which include Water Pollution, Air Pollution and Road, Traffic Noise, Situation of Soil Pollution and Waste discharge situation in Peshawar.
My site will be near to most polluted areas in Peshawar where all environmental cases would be present

Ar.saddam hussain
Ar.salman jamil
