The saying of ‘An ordinary and reliable happiness’ was once brought up by a Japanese author Haruki Murakami. He explained it as the moments with fortune and happiness, such as standing in the kitchen with one hand slicing the freshly backed bread while the other hand grabbing the food to eat, or listening to Brahms's chamber while watching the autumn sunlight to draw a shadow on the white paper-stained window.

The designer introduced this concept of living to her client—let the sunlight walk into the room and subvert the whole former way of her life. The owner’s trust has pushed their cooperation to run smoothly, and even skipped the steps of the renderings. The house is very large indeed, however, the mother and daughter used to huddle together to sleep, due to the illuminating problem as well, the utilization rate of the upper floor space was extremely low, but now they can have six bedrooms!

The most important thing for a designer is to coincide with the expectations of customers, to solve the problems they care about and enhance their happiness. -Lyu Aihua



Project name: Shi Guang Home
Design scope: Private house design
Project location: Beijing
Project area: 450 square meters
Design agency: Hua Design Studio
Photography: Boris Shiu

Designer Profile
Lyu Ai Hua
Design Director of Hua·DESIGN Studio
Member of China Interior Decoration Association
Founder and chief designer of Beijing Shang Jie Decoration Co., Ltd.
Contributing Lecturer of Beijing Zhong He Fashion Art Education.

Design Concept

We promote the complete home design concept and production,and blend the perfect combination of art and home life. We also pay attention to the care of people themselves, create a good environment for communication, in the mean time coordinating the friendly relationship between people and space, people and nature. It can be easy to use, comfortable and artistic.
