The Istanbul Headquarters of the international insurance company AIG, have been established on two floors at Maslak Orjin Plaza. The design of the office space with a construction area of 4,000 sqm has been developed to maximize the benefit of the employees from sunlight. For this reason, the open plan offices are located at the sides of the building determining the main spaces, whereas alternate spaces such as WCs, print rooms, kitchens, tea rooms, and meeting rooms are centered in the midsection. These divisive spaces between the open plan offices also allow random encounters between employees while performing their function properly through permeable circulation areas.

High volume spaces in the open plan offices break the monotony through the use of timber, metal and plasterboard materials in the ceilings in large spaces and describe sub-working units though wooden ceiling voids. Wall graphics designed by Avcı Architects form a balance with exposed concrete columns.

The design and construction of the office, which has been functioning as AIG Istanbul Headquarters since September 2014, had been completed in 4.5 months.



AVCI Architects
