‘Mother Nature’ is now a common consciousness, a global movement issues. Green is about finding a balance between urban growth and sustenance. With rapid urbanization, there has been a high growth in population and buildings in the dense Dhaka city. High concentration of buildings actually creates many environmental issues, such as Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. The UHI effect is started mainly due to the loss of green areas in the urban environment. Now in Dhaka have only five percent of green areas within total areas. From the view point of the environmental aspect, green is considering here as the heart of the building. In the Nikaton housing state where the project was built, only less than 1% area of the total areas have green space. Architecture is not about designing building but about understanding the surrounding context. Main concept of the project is creating a green jungle within the concrete jungle for sustainable living. Ecological design in dense urban context is for comfortable lifestyle. Green strategically placed around front of each level, roof and boundary wall can be considered as a complement of urban greens. It is actually a natural solution in concrete jungle. These green spaces are providing visual enhancement and noise control. Hanging botanical gardens are supplying fresh oxygen for healthy life. This natural solution also contributes to the thermal benefits in buildings and their surrounding environments. This is also one of the research oriented project. Vegetation placed around buildings serves to reduce the surface temperature through direct shading of hard surfaces as well as cool the ambient air through consuming solar heat gain for transpiration and photosynthesis of plants. The shaded surfaces also emit less long-wave radiation due to lower surface temperature. All these will contribute to lower energy consumption for cooling and mitigating UHI effect and global warming in the dense urban environment. This design study aim is to examine the cooling effect of the green building as a passive cooling method in the residential building in Dhaka.

The ‘Taj villa’ is a residential building is internally divided into 3 duplex units as per owner’s requirement. The internal staircase of each duplex is emphasized by well lighted space and green landscape with changing the view as resident walk up and down. The ground floor of the building is provided by services- generator room, guard rest room, drivers’ room parking and landscaping. In first level of the duplex are arranged formal area- formal living, guest suit, formal dinning, main kitchen area and one bedroom. Second level is arranged by private areas- bedrooms, kitchenette and family living space. As per owner’s requirement the roof top is used for fruits garden. The warm, humid and six seasonally difference in the country’s climate also influences the design of garden plants selection. Celebration of the different seasonal flowers with different colors and smells remind you about different seasonal change around the year. Garden has a visual connection from any part of house. Night smell of seasonal flowers creates a mysterious indoor environment of the house. Dining space was bland with garden when the glass was open and you can enjoy the hanging bird next from there. Architects designed the green garden only, but different kinds of wild life came naturally such as honey bee, bird etc. South breeze and North-West garden is welcoming guest to the house. Whole north and south opening is covering the day light. North south cross ventilation influences the indoor environment into comfort range.

Landscape architecture is the art of applying scientific principles to the land. It’s planning, designing and management for public health and welfare, with a commitment to the concept stewardship to the land. This project reflects specific techniques of sustainable land use, considering the characteristics and limits of the natural environment. Almost 35% of the total land area is used to create hanging garden within a best utilization. Try to create a spiritual relationship between resident and nature within traditional open planning. The roof top converts into the traditional fruits garden. Different kinds of local fruits such as mango, banana, lichee, palm, rose apple etc was cultivated on roof top. The planning and design of the house garden is influence not only by the need of resident but also by their cultural religious and traditional beliefs, such as air purification plant herbal ‘Nim’ tree is planted in the building. This garden is paradise of the owner and promote to recreation in natural setting, a healthy interaction among the whole family.

The garden landscape creates the sense of balance and harmony reflected by entrance approach. The main vista established by greenery in front elevation of the building allows people to pass through a forest of greenery within urban area that soften the building edges. A dynamic spatial experience was created at different level to interact with the balconies of the building. Different flowers are blooming in different season, informing residents about coming season, gives spiritual wealth especially to the residents. Different color and smell influence the surrounding living environments which work as a natural aroma therapy treatment. Warmed colored flowering trees are planted to create the feeling of comfortable home. Yellow -create sense of inviting and welcoming. Red –show lives and feeling of excitement. Orange- reflects warm friendship and close relationship of neighborhood. White- shows holly and peacefulness. Blue- shows cool refreshment. Last of all living with traditional green landscape gives a sustainable lifestyle in dense urban areas.



Location : Block-G, Road -14/2, House-26, Nikaton, Gulshan-1, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Site Area : 281.23m2

Client : Engg. Abdur Rashid

Architect : Primere Consultant

Project Team : Md. A.A. Sayem Khan, Rumana Rashid

Structural Engineer: Mr. Tomal

Electrical Engineer : Md. Akungee

Plumbing Engineer: L.C. Roy

Landscape Architect : Rumana Rashid

Lighting Designer: Md. A.A. Sayem Khan

Interior Designer: Md. A.A. Sayem Khan, Ruaman Rashid

Other Consultants : Mohd. Hamdan Bin Ahmed. ( UTM, Malaysia)
For Environmental Research

Photographer(s): Mr. Salam Ahmed


Sayem Khan