In culture bridge is a symbol , symbol of two distant riverside connected , connected past and future. It was very important for us during creating new footbridge in Maribor to design bridge which with his line and form will refer to the modern architecture structures. But we want to used the same traditional materials ( stone and steel construction) as at Strati Most witch is one of the main monuments of the city. Past affects the present and future , is part of our identity, is part of city identity. That shows game of shadows,Strati Most adumbrate new footbridge on sunrise. ,and new bridge despite is much smaller adumbrate Strati most on sunset.The form of the new footbridge is a result of combining form two other Drava’s bridge ( Strati Most and Studenci Footbridge). Our brigde will not only help inhabitants cross the river but it can be new meeting place. This recreational piont is positioned in such a way that the pier of Strati Most doesn’t disturb view on beautiful river bed (which is natura 2000 areas),and river nearness created illusion in mind users that they are on barge.This space can be use to small exhibitions, private concerts,inhabitants can there play chess or cards this could be new place for lokal community.




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