The symbol of the fusion between natural patrimony and moderne architectural conception.
The bamboo, musical tree dancing with the wind, guided our work. It is instrumental in the quality of the light and atmopheres in this place dedicated to music and scene.

Atelier D launched 3 years ago a partnership with a Guadaloupe based agency named AR Architecture. Together they are working on the development of a construction network that characterizes their advances in terms of ecological architecture proposing solutions to the economical, social and environnemental local questions.

Then, several projects are in process today in this part of the world where vulnerability against climatic changes is evident and action for environnement preservation is now urgent.

Atelier D applies here, in hot countries, its researches in high environnemental quality like in its other projects in France or worldwide.


Program: music pole, dance pole, dramatic art pole, audio-visual pole, public studio, offices, cafeteria
Structure: concrete
Frontage: bamboo (bioclimatic double skin)
Ventilation: natural, and assisted in specific rooms
Systems: photovoltaic option on roof

Surface: 6 500 m²
Cost: 13.500.000 euros
Client: Region of Guadaloupe
Team: AR Architecture, representative - Atelier D associates
Stage: Preliminary Design in progress


Atelier D JF Herry