PH Garrapata takes advantage to the maximum of the territory in which it develops. Early it decides to operate on the part of the plant marked by the water channel in the center of the ceiling: one part is removed from the tin roof and the parasite proliferates and adapts to every situation he encounters. Practically nothing is demolished, only a few incisions are performed on the party wall, the rest of the work is the result of the relationship between what was and the new structure that expands, changes, capture and injects.
The housing program for Jorge Diaz had two specific assumptions: use the airspace to win a terrace, and create a mezzanine bed from which he could look the sky. To meet these requirements an organic structure of pipes and profiles takes advantage of the space of a door, the height of a bedroom, the place not hidden behind the ceiling of the bathroom, the bearing walls, the party wall, air and light, a window, the slab on the kitchen and the environment of lofts in the lung of the block.
The project condenses on the surface of the terrace a series of formal operations which interact with the surrounding context of lofts, chimneys, party walls and tin roofs: far from concealing this environment, the attempt to produce its own landscape that is inserted artificially and that simultaneously generates relations of continuity.
PHs reform
Ramiro Gallardo