Tradition, modernity, Identity...The lyrics are a folk song of the Bopa tribe of Rajasthan. It talks about the ever-changing
desert and the immovable will of these people.
Metaphorically it can also be interpreted in the present context, socially, politically, and
culturally. These gypsies, considered to be the lowest cast hindus, used for entertainment for
the rajputs in ancient times,now sell their talents in front of foreigners.They build the same mud
houses,live nomadic lives full of hardship but yet so vibrant,effervescent,toiling their way to exist
in this so called ‘Modern’ society. Ironically they are the real people of Rajasthan,not of the
palaces and the temples but the desert,they are the ones giving colour and life to the torrid
desert and still worshiping it. A memorial is necessary to respect the spirit of these people and
their place in the society.



What design directions does tradition give in this ever changing modern important is identity for a democratic country with multitudes of people , castes and religions??? what is the architects/designers role?

Sometimes the designer has to go beyond
boundaries of context, culture and
religion to expose the naked realities and
blatant hypocrisy of our society...
Sometimes points, lines and planes are not enough
to tell a story...
because,always there is the measurable and
then...there is the immeasurable.

Veeram Shah, Ritesh Patel
