As serbian urbanism has been improved in time of Socialism, lots of political influence has been reflected on its Architecture. My home town leskovac was a very important industrial town, with a lot of Industries and also more capital. That has been reflected to some of its great Early modernism buildings.
But since 1980 it stopped progressing and changing. My motivation was to show, that no matter how economically bad social atmosphere is, it is possible to get your design and make a miracle in a town thats been dieing.



The building can be determined as an Upgrade of the two building at the same time and as a separate building too. 23 of buildings weight is laying on two surrounding building. The rest is laying its weights through a vertical supporting column.
Buildings functionality is a response to its angular construction, which makes the space very artistic, smart and transferable to various of purposes. As the building itself is an Artistic Artifact for the Town center area, it can have lots of uses considering restaurants, galleries, and even residential purpose.

Ninoslav Cakic-USC application portfolio


Ninoslav Cakic

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