The “Walking Roots” - Za’abeel Park, Dubai
Something happens on the “Discovery Trail” …
The “Discovery Trail” key plan is copied and elevated at great heights.
This duplication unveils a structure formed by three major thematic “Roots”:
• Root I the “Will Root” (Conference Space)
Dialogue & debate help projecting human will.
• Root II the “Strength Root” (Circulation Core)
Dynamic systems & technologies assure physical power & efficiency.
• Root III the “Knowledge Root” (Children’s Library)
Informational documentation & research feed the young human intellect.
Together, these three aerial roots form a tree-like entity that embodies images of emergence, life and accomplishment.
> Roots | I + II + III | = Will + Strength + Knowledge = Wealth
Samer Eid + Rami El Murr + Guy-Roger Conchon + Jean-Pierre Fargialla + Karen Nassar