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stadslab european urban design laboratory

Architecture News - Jun 16, 2008 - 17:41   8375 views

Stadslab was established in the summer of 2006 to create a Europeanurban design laboratory where professionals and academia meet toexchange knowledge and know-how. Located in Tilburg, it offers designexpertise to small and medium sized cities and regions in Europe inorder to create coherent, sustainable and successful urbanenvironments. Our projects allow hosting municipalities and regionalauthorities, to have real time cases of their choice, examined in oneof Stadslab’s urban design laboratories. Not only will the hosting citygain better skilled professionals but also participate in trainingprocesses. In the long run, this leads to enhanced urban developmentresults and updated local professionals. Participants benefit from theexperience of real time cases {working within a multidisciplinarynetwork} and the opportunity of being coached by internationallyappraised experts.