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Book:’’Future Megacities’’ series
United Kingdom Architecture News - May 28, 2014 - 10:12 4125 views
With its funding priority ‘Research for the Sustainable Development of Megacities of Tomorrow’, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is focusing on energy and climate-efficient structures in nine fast-growing cities as they offer the opportunity for sustainable urban development.
Volume1: Energy and Sun
Sustainable Energy Solutions for Future Megacitiesü
17 x 24 cm
248 pages with numerous col.
EUR (D) 29.80 SFr 38.80 $ 39.95
ISBN 978-3-86859-273-3
Ludger Eltrop, Thomas Telsnig, Ulrich Fahl (eds.) Solar energy is in focus worldwide. So is the role of cities and public governments for creating a more sustainable urban future. This volume highlights the role of solar energy and other solar related energy technologies for a low carbon and sustainable energy system, particularly for cities and city regions in the South.
Volume 2: Mobility and Transportation
Concepts for Sustainable Transportation in Future Megacities
17 x 24 cm
224 pages with numerous col.
EUR (D) 28,00 SF r 36,80 $ 39.95
ISBN 978-3-86859-274-0
Wulf-Holger Arndt (ed.)
The growth of megacities creates huge challenges. One of them is reshaping of mobility patterns in cities, promoting energy efficiency and principles of low carbon development. In this volume, an overview is provided of solutions comprising concepts for sustainable transportation through intelligent management, innovative instruments for integrated transport planning, modelling systems, adaptation strategies in the transport sector and concepts for enhancing public transit.
Volume 3: Capacity Development
Approaches for Future Megacities
17 x 24 cm
208 pages with numerous col.
EUR (D) 28.00 SF r 36.80 $ 39.95
ISBN 978-3-86859-275-7
Bernd Mahrin (ed.)
The projects in the Future Megacities programme gain valuable experiences in developing energy efficient standards and urban structures with adequate conditions to treat resources with care and avoid unnecessary emissions. To achieve the ambitious objectives, it is essential to convince and enable people to take an active part in sustainable development. This requires qualification and education efforts at different levels, with different target groups and for different topics.
Volume 4: Local Action and Participation
Lessons Learned from Participatory Projects and Action Research in Future Megacities
17 x 24 cm
224 pages with numerous col.
EUR (D) 28.00 SF r 36.80 $ 39.95
ISBN 978-3-86859-276-4
Angela Jain, Sabine Schröder, Ulrike Schinkel (eds.)
The significance of bottom-up approaches initiated by civil society as well as the importance of the local level as the level for implementation is often overlooked when dealing with megacity developments. The main aim of this volume is to retrospectively trace participatory and local action approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation in urban areas from seven case studies of the programme.
Volume 5: Space, Planning, and Design
Integrated Planning and Design Solutions for Future Megacities
17 x 24 cm
256 pages with numerous col.
EUR (D) 29.80 SF r 38.80 $ 39.95
ISBN 978-3-86859-277-1
Elke Pahl-Weber, Frank Schwartze (eds.)
In focus of this volume are five emerging megacities and mega-urban regions across the globe. Located in different climatic areas, determined by different economic development conditions and political frameworks each city has to address different local challenges.
Young Research Forum
Research Papers for Future Megacities on Governance, Water, Planning, and Mobility
17 x 24 cm
224 pages with approx. 200 col.
EUR (D) 29.80 SF r 38.80 $ 39.95
ISBN 978-3-86859-279-5
Lukas Born (ed.)
The German research program on sustainable development of Future Megacities has lasted for eight years until 2013. Major results are summarized in the Future Megacities Book Series. Besides senior scientists, ambitious young researchers have made their contributions to the program as well. As all contributions were awarded with the Young Researchers’ Award of the program in 2013,this volume contains a small but exemplary selection of their scientific work.
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