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TOPOS landscape award 2014 goes to LOLA landscape architects
United Kingdom Architecture News - Aug 16, 2014 - 14:43 6655 views
Dijkenatlas Nederland
LOLA landscape architects is proud to receive the international Topos Landscape Arward 2014, which will be presented in Lausanne at the Rolex Learning Centre. Past awards have gone to Peter Latz (Kranzberg), Stig L. Anderssons Tegnestue (Copenhagen), Karres en Brands (Hilversum), Gross.Max. (Edinburgh), McGregor and Coxall (Sydney), Stoss LU (Boston), Antje Stokman (Hamburg), and Taktyk (Brussels/Paris).
Ecological Energy Network. LOLA in cooperation with .Fabric and Studio 1:1
Since 2002, the award is to honour a landscape architecture practice that has made significant contributions to high-quality and up-to-date designs of cities and landscapes, has enriched the landscape architecture scene through its innovative ideas, and whose work has come to be representative of the best of contemporary landscape architecture. The Topos Landscape Award aims to highlight that the landscape architectural challenges of our time are characterized by a lively dynamic and display a wide range of facets.
Grevelingendam, Haringvliet
This year’s Topos Landscape Award will be presented at the Rolex Education Centre of EPFL university in Lausanne on October 8th. The ceremony will be held as a special event of a conference on “The Narrative of Landscape”, organized by Archizoom. The symposium will focus on the significance of the ground for landscape; approaches to, and observations on, this subject will be interdisciplinary in character. Among the invited speakers will be Richard Sennett, Saskia Sassen, Adriaan Geuze, and David R. Montgomery.
Poelzone Westland
Star Maze Park. LOLA in cooperation with Deltavormgroep and Piet Oudolf
Singelpark Leiden
Landscape Centre Twente
For more information about TOPOS magazine and theTOPOS landscape award:
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